Cornerstone Brighton Sermons
Messages from Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brighton, Michigan.
Podcasting since 2018 • 332 episodes
Cornerstone Brighton Sermons
Latest Episodes
Behold My Servant Week 3
Pastor Matt Grimm continues our series on the Servant Songs of Isaiah, this week focusing on the suffering of the Servant, as found in Isaiah chapter 50, verses 4-11. www.cornerstonebrig...
Season 1
Episode 3

Behold My Servant Week 2
Pastor Chris discusses the second Servant Song in Isaiah, from Chapter 49 verses 1 to 13. The ‘servant’ in this passage is correlated with an idealized form of Israel, and is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ- by the forgiveness of sins as t...
Season 1
Episode 2

Behold My Servant Week 1
Pastor Chris Winans begins a new series on the book of Isaiah, entitled Behold My Servant. The series focuses on specific chapters in Isaiah that speak to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This week we explore chapter 42 verses 1 to 4, that demonstrat...
Season 1
Episode 1

Heart of the Kingdom Week 4
Pastor Art Hunt discusses Matthew 18 verses 15 to 22. In this passage, Jesus Christ teaches us specifically what to do when someone sins against another person in the church. More personally, this is how we are to act when someone sins against ...
Season 1
Episode 4