Cornerstone Brighton Sermons

Journey of Faith Week 6: Unless the Lord Builds the House the Builders Labor in Vain

July 18, 2023 Cornerstone EPC Season 1 Episode 6
Journey of Faith Week 6: Unless the Lord Builds the House the Builders Labor in Vain
Cornerstone Brighton Sermons
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Cornerstone Brighton Sermons
Journey of Faith Week 6: Unless the Lord Builds the House the Builders Labor in Vain
Jul 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6
Cornerstone EPC

Are you living your life for the Finite Game or the Infinite Game? Pastor Chris discusses the difference between the two, how this applies to Abraham, and how this applies to our every day lives.

Show Notes

Are you living your life for the Finite Game or the Infinite Game? Pastor Chris discusses the difference between the two, how this applies to Abraham, and how this applies to our every day lives.